//Brief WEB

Brief for WEB development

This brief will help us prepare for the job in order to do it in the best possible way for you.
The more clearly and comprehensively you answer the questions the more quickly we will begin to speak the same language in order to solve the tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.
We guarantee you complete confidentiality of the information provided to us.
The brief is not a technical task and only helps us understand how you see the future product.

If you find any of the questions in the survey difficult, please contact us for clarification.

1. Your Company

If yes, please provide links to them:

2. Customer activity

Describe the products and services you provide

What age, gender, position, interests? Describe in detail who will visit your site. Of course, you can have several types of clients.

What in your case can be called the "pain" of the client?

What criteria are the main ones when making a purchase decision?

The full range of your services or product line.

Perhaps you can brag about the numbers? For example, 1324 houses have been built, 321543 people are already using our application, the total experience of employees is more than 100 years, etc.

3. Portrait of an Internet project

When is the deadline for the launch of the resource (NOT to be confused with the deadline of the choice of the contractor)

4. Design

Upload your logo and brand book if available

5. Site functionality

6. Contacts

Form submitted.

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